Let’s Moove Safely Together - Project Map
Saturday, January 25, 2025 - Karen Mixdorf
This project map shows roughly where related sidewalk/trail routes currently exist and where proposed additions will fill the gaps.
RRFB Video
Sunday, March 12, 2023 - Mark McFate
RRFB (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon) Guide for Pedestrians and Bicycles
2023 will see a new RRFB and crosswalk installed at the corner of Business US 30 and Broadway in Toledo. The installation is intended to dramatically increase safety for the multitude of pedestrians and bicyclists who cross Business 30 at Broadway every day.
The following video may benefit pedestrians and bicycle riders who will use the new crossing.
RRFB Guide for Motorists
Sunday, March 12, 2023 - Mark McFate
RRFB (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon) Guide for Motorists
2023 will see a new RRFB and crosswalk installed at the corner of Business US 30 and Broadway in Toledo. The installation is intended to dramatically increase safety for the multitude of pedestrians and bicyclists who cross Business 30 at Broadway every day.
The following guide may benefit motorists who approach the new crosswalk along Business 30.
RRFB Guide for Pedestrians and Bicycle Riders
Sunday, March 12, 2023 - Mark McFate
RRFB (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon) Guide for Pedestrians and Bicycles
2023 will see a new RRFB and crosswalk installed at the corner of Business US 30 and Broadway in Toledo. The installation is intended to dramatically increase safety for the multitude of pedestrians and bicyclists who cross Business 30 at Broadway every day.
The following guide may benefit pedestrians and bicycle riders who will use the new crossing.
The 5-2-1-0 Program
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 - Karen Mixdorf
5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count!
What is Healthy Choices Count! or 5-2-1-0? An initiative through the Iowa Department of Public Health that provides provides communities, teachers, parents, child care providers, health care providers, and business leaders resources to increase physical activity and healthy eating through policy and environmental change. The graphic explains the meaning of 5-2-1-0.
The 5-2-1-0 Program
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 - Karen Mixdorf
5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count!
Tama/Toledo was awarded a 3-year 5-2-1-0 grant in 2022. 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! is a public-private partnership that encourages Iowa children and their families to make healthy lifestyle choices using evidence-based healthy eating and active living approaches. This graphic shows the daily recommendations.
A Post from Travis Mullen…
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 - Travis Mullen
This shouldn’t have to happen, but in the present there is no other option. This elderly individual is walking in the highway. The highway.
Tama-Toledo Healthy Hometown Committee is working very hard to change this, by making the community more walkable.
Tama and Toledo city leadership: We’ve ignored the need for a continuous sidewalk along highway 63 for decades. Please support the work of the committee to the greatest extent possible and let’s get this done.
Tuesday, December 21, 2021 - Mark McFate
Welcome to the new internet home of Tama-Toledo Community Visioning! Please check out our About page to learn more about the group.
You may also find online resources at the web pages provided by Iowa’s Community Visioning organization, specifically the Tama and Toledo pages. However, we found these pages to be difficult to maintain with limited features, so most of what you find there is meant for download only, and eventually we hope to have all of that material here in a more presentable form.
Also be sure to check out our
pages. Just today, 21-December-2021, we added a 44-page Safe Routes to School
report from 2009. There’s lots of valuable information in that document so be sure to check it out along with other
that we are sharing.
One other resource I encourage you to visit is @Summitt Dweller · I Like to Hike and some of the CV-related hikes in the “Featured” section there, like https://hikes.summittdweller.com/hikes/highlighted/2021-11-22_4.48pm/ and https://hikes.summittdweller.com/hikes/highlighted/2021-03-13_9.45am/ .
We also welcome your feedback and participation! There’s a Contact Us
link (the envelope icon) at the bottom of every page. Just click that link to open an email addressed to this group. Also, as mentioned above, check out our
page to keep tabs on upcoming opportunities to get involved. We would love to hear from you and see you at our next meeting!
Take care.